Place your cursor here and right click. A menu will appear and you can choose an automatic translation into your language.

Global distributors of official manuals / supplemental materials
The official Gendai Reiki manuals are available in Japanese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Serbian, Romanian, and Italian.
When you learn Gendai Reiki, please make sure that the class you are taking uses the official manuals. Only translations supervised by Hiroshi Doi, the founder of Gendai Reiki Ho, and the Gendai Reiki Network are official manuals. The official manuals can be purchased from the distributors listed below.
Translation of the manuals into various languages is in progress daily. We will announce the release of new language manuals on this page. If you are a Gendai Reiki Master and interested in translating the official manuals into your language, please contact us!
The latest English manuals have been completed with the intention of conveying the essence of true Usui Reiki to people around the world, including non-native English speakers, in a way that is as easy to understand as possible.
The colors of the manual covers and binding methods vary from country to country. Photos of the official manuals available from distributors in various countries are shown below. When taking a Gendai Reiki class, check the color and binding of the manual you have received.
Hiroshi Doi Sensei, the founder of Gendai Reiki Ho, has established the rules for all Gendai Reiki Masters in the International Common Standards for Gendai Reiki Masters. Please select your language, download the document, read it carefully, and follow the guidelines.
The International Common Standards for Gendai Reiki Masters are published in the languages into which the official manuals have been translated.
The document has been revised on Septermber 1, 2024.
Illustrated Instructions for Gendai Reiki Ho Exercises Levels I and II are available in Japanese, English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, and Portuguese, with translations into additional languages currently in progress.
This booklet is not an official manual but serves as a helpful guide to understanding the exercises taught in Gendai Reiki Levels I and II. It is available for purchase by anyone learning Gendai Reiki.

Authorized Distributors
The official manuals can be purchased from the following distributors. Please note that the official manuals can only be purchased by a Gendai Reiki Master, and a certificate of a Gendai Reiki Master must be submitted at the time of first purchase. For more information, please contact us or your local distributor.
For each distributor in each country around the world, we have included a photo of the official manuals they print and distributes. Each distributor uses a different cover color and binding method. Please click on the photo to see a larger image and make sure that you have the official manuals.
Per Hiroshi Doi Sensei's policy, you will not be certified as a Gendai Reiki practitioner if you have taken classes with materials that are not the Gendai Reiki official manuals. If you believe that the manual you have is not an official one, please contact us.

Ikue Maekawa

Languages of manuals
provided: English

Asako Suehiro

Languages of manuals
provided: English, Japanese

Jorge Salazar

Languages of manuals
provided: Spanish, English

Milorad Radenović

Languages of manuals
provided: Serbian, English

Martijn van Hemmen

Languages of manuals
provided: Introduction and Level I in Dutch

Levels II, III, and IV will be coming soon!
Gendai Reiki Ho

Languages of manuals
provided: Spanish, English, Portuguese, Japanese, Italian

Photo © Jesús Sandi F.
Jesús María Delgado Gonzalez
(Asociación Española de Reiki)

Languages of manuals
provided: Spanish

Mari Okita
Coming soon!
Jean Jones

Languages of manuals
provided: English, Japanese
Giancarlo Serra

Languages of manuals
provided: English, Italian, Japanese

Ryoko Julia
Languages of manuals
provided: English, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified)