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a Gendai Reiki Master
The following is a list of Gendai Reiki Master members.
Only master members who abide by the Gendai Reiki Master Referral Guidelines and the International Common Standards for Gendai Reiki Masters are listed. The International Common Standards for Gendai Reiki Masters are available for download in various languages here.
In November 2022, Hiroshi Doi Sensei announced the teaching principles of the Gendai Reiki Ho, as follows. Please be sure to open your seminars according to these principles.
Learning Reiki can be compared to climbing a mountain from the bottom up. It is dangerous to reach the top all at once without preparation. The Gendai Reiki curriculum at each level is carefully designed to make the climb safe, secure, and enjoyable. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to teach more than one level at a time. It is outrageous to teach a complete beginner to be a master in a matter of days.
The way of Reiki is to learn for health and happiness. Many people are lured into taking courses with advertisements such as "For busy people, you can become a Reiki Master in a short time," and many of them go through different lineages of Reiki without learning anything.
Level 1 in particular is the most important stage, as it is the foundation for all future study of Reiki. The traditional way to learn is in person, sharing a high energy space and feeling the warm energy of the master. There is no need to rush to the next level. Each time you learn and practice, you will feel the joy of knowing that you have gained something. Please don't waste your precious time and money.

Veronique Lurati
Location: Vriange
Languages: French
Hong Kong / China
United Kingdom
United States of America
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